Independent data analysis shows that recommended maximum concentrations of toxic gas emissions in the area will be exceeded if this gas production facility is built in the heart of the Semiahmoo / South Surrey, White Rock community! Local organizations such as the Hancock Wildlife Foundation call this project "an obscene threat", so we are also supporting an environmental pushback with our automated email campaigns that are launched with just one easy form and a few seconds! Please act today to ensure that our voices are heard and that these findings are part of the public record.
Please fill out the required details below to send an email to Metro Vancouver, Ms. Kathy Preston - Director, Environmental Regulation & Enforcement at Metro Vancouver and all relevant Government representatives & concerned parties, in opposition to the Semiahmoo / Andion RNG project and to register as a "Concerned Person" as per the Greater Vancouver Regional District Air Quality Management Bylaw No. 1082, 2008.
Below are our email letters, addressing those involved in the decision-making process. We inquire about the potential health and environmental ramifications, questioning whether the risks posed by this project, situated in close proximity to residential areas, schools, senior facilities, and recreational zones, merit a refusal for the permits and permissions. We believe this Semiahmoo RNG project to be unnecessary, lacking in merit, potentially hazardous and a waste of public funds - as well as disproportionately and inappropriately benefitting an unaccountable offshore foreign private company.