Sections of video recorded showing discrepancies in procedure and evasive answers to essential questions remaining about the Semiahmoo RNG SFN Project by Andion or Taurus RNG (Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp.).

This is where Kathy Preston speaks to her role, and fields questions in support of the Semiahmoo RNG Project – doesn’t this appear to indicate a conflict of interest in terms of Metro Vancouver and Kathy Preston being impartial? 

We have requested confirmation for the number of times that a similar presentation has been done by Metro Vancouver in support of a permit application and will update this page once received.

Other Links

See FAQs about the Semiahmoo RNG Project Here

The project is purported to divert 70,000 tons of organic food waste every year from the greater Vancouver waste stream, which would otherwise end up in non-sustainable disposal sites like landfills or incinerators.


We’re uncertain as to the truth about this 70 000 tons figure, or that it would be sourced from the Vancouver waste as per Phillip Abrary and Andion’s claims, especially in light of Andion’s failure to prevent an exclusive waste removal contract for Green Bin Organics Processing being granted to GFL Environmental Inc. 

Ashley Brookes at Andion said:

“As a company that relies on organics to produce Renewable Natural Gas (RNG), ~ we would like to object to the exclusivity of the contract with GFL; it impedes on our ability to access the organic waste from a large population that is essential to our operations.”

Ashley Brookes at Andion also says: 

“GFL’s facility is capable and permitted by Metro Vancouver to process 150,000 metric tonnes of organic material per year. The City has confirmed that GFL is the only vendor in the region that is currently capable of processing all of the City’s organic material volume.

1. Andion would be able to easily support this volume as well.” 

We would be very interested to see on what basis Andion expected to be able to handle 150 000 tonnes of organic waste per year at the Semiahmoo RNG project? 

Interesting to note that the City of Vancouver stated that their current supply equates to 50 000 tonnes and that they dismissed Andion’s objections or counter arguments for being the better candidate, so Vancouver City granted the exclusive contract for waste disposal to GFL Environmental Inc. (despite GFL having a bad smell reputation for their activities needing Metro Vancouver enforcement action ( 

Read more about: Semiahmoo RNG Project unlikely to divert 70,000 tons of organic food waste every year from the greater Vancouver waste stream after Vancouver City denied Andion Objections to granting contract to GFL Environmental 2023 

We appreciate your concern regarding the choice of location for the Semiahmoo RNG facility. It's crucial to understand that the decision was made based on careful considerations aligning with the Semiahmoo First Nation's goals, values, and commitment to responsible stewardship. We appreciate the active engagement of the public during the question and answer session. The overwhelming response resulted in a high volume of inquiries, and while we endeavored to address as many questions as possible, regrettably, we were unable to respond to all of them. 

OUR COMMENT : Most questions, and any of the most important questions regarding the Semiahmoo RNG project proposal remain unanswered in a satisfactory manner sufficient to allow us to trust a private corporation like Andion or Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp. at their word for matters related to local health or safety concerns.

Economic Self-Sufficiency and Prosperity:

The Semiahmoo First Nation's decision to build the RNG facility on their sovereign lands is rooted in a commitment to achieving economic self-sufficiency and prosperity. By leveraging their land for sustainable development, the nation aims to create opportunities for income generation, job creation, and community growth. This project aligns with the broader vision of ensuring long-term economic well-being for the Semiahmoo First Nation. 

OUR COMMENT: Semiahmoo First Nation have yet to substantiate claims that this project would be sustainable, economically viable, or that the environmental and socioeconomic effects of the Semiahmoo RNG project would be net positive. All the public has seen to date is a fundamentally flawed presentation by an unaccountable private corporation (“Andion”) that have subsequently withdrawn from the North American market once the past indiscretions of their company officers were exposed. We look forward to SFN providing any independently substantiated evidence of the competence, credibility or sincerity of the organizations or individuals involved with Andion and Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp. to a successful construction, deployment, or operation of the facility in the future. Are Semiahmoo First Nation willing to publicly guarantee and financially guarantee the project, and if so, (and especially if any public funding is involved), also guarantee that their eventual partners will also hold the same financial guarantees and be subject to an open contract bidding process to ensure that the costs are minimized. One example of the false promises deployed to date in an effort to placate public concerns was the statement: “The lease is short (25 years) after which the First Nation will own the project entirely and can operate as they see fit. Or, if decommissioning is preferred at that time, we will remove the facility and return the land to its original state.” The simple act of Andion Global Inc withdrawing from the North American market or carrying out one of their regular “restructuring” activities categorically avoids ever taking any responsibility if the project were to fail, or to cause significant issues – and the public has no reason to believe, on Austep’s or Andion’s previous history that this project will succeed.
Financial Viability:

The location was chosen also for its financial viability. The Semiahmoo First Nation, in collaboration with Andion, assessed various options and determined that this specific location offered the most economically sustainable path forward. The project is designed to contribute positively to the local economy by creating jobs, providing energy security, generating income and ultimately, becoming the cornerstone for economic growth. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes 

Stewardship of the Land:

As stewards of the land, the Semiahmoo First Nation takes seriously their responsibility to ensure that any development on their sovereign lands is in harmony with the natural environment. The choice of location reflects a deep respect for the land, and the nation is committed to implementing measures that minimize environmental impact. 

OUR COMMENT: Please make public the Environmental Assessment report and cooperate with the public n providing evidence of the environmental mitigation measures to be implemented – especially considering the enhanced Tsunami risk discovered in 2023. Use your power to voluntarily be subjected to additional environmental controls. 

Environmental Impact Assessments:

The decision-making process involved rigorous environmental impact assessments, and this will continue to be an ongoing practice. The Semiahmoo First Nation is committed to responsible and sustainable development that considers the ecological well-being of the area. The location was chosen after careful examination to ensure that the facility's operations would not compromise the surrounding ecosystem. An assessment is currently ongoing led by Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) and other government bodies. This report will be provided to the public later. 

OUR COMMENT: Why not now, and why not make this process open to the public? 

Methane Emissions

This facility will be capturing 30,000 tonnes of GHG through the anaerobic digestion process. Due to technological limitations, there will be losses of methane as stated on the EPN notice. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes 

Waste Truck Odour Concerns:

Concerns have been raised regarding potential odour issues from waste trucks waiting in line. We acknowledge these concerns and assure you that, once on-site, waste will be promptly processed, no waste will be outside the enclosed facility. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – so Trucks will stink? 

Plastic Processing and Health Concerns:

Regarding plastic processing, the plant will not consume plastics. Instead, plastics present in green bin food waste will be separated and sent to a landfill equipped to handle such materials. This ensures that emissions associated with plastics are appropriately managed, aligning with health and safety considerations. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – what about microplastics and dangerous PFAS Chemicals in waste streams, how will these be monitored or mitigated from both wastewater and nutrients reused on the land and entering our local food chain? See 

Air Quality Guidelines and Reporting: 

We understand the importance of air quality, and Semiahmoo RNG has chosen to operate under the air quality guidelines set by Metro Vancouver. Any issues or deviations will be promptly addressed, and relevant information will be made available to the public through the Metro Vancouver website. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – How will the emissions be monitored, assessed and how will Metro Vancouver specifically control Air Quality for Semiahmoo local residents? What I believe we heard is that if they receive complaints, they can eventually issue a fine if they can prove where emissions are odours are coming from, something described by Daniele Chiodini of Andion and Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp. as “practically impossible” when questioned about the years of odour complaints linked to the Italian plant used to supply the air dispersion report data for Andion North America Inc.

Community Input and Project Alternatives: 

We appreciate your concern about community input and alternative projects. Semiahmoo First Nation carefully considered various options and ultimately chose the RNG facility to generate economic interest. While we appreciate your suggestions for other projects, the current focus is on the RNG facility, and no backup locations are being considered. 

OUR COMMENTS: Have Semiahmoo First Nation carefully considered the option of a true sustainable energy solution, and not a false solution, as outlined in the Just Transition Guide “Renewable energy can be part of real solutions to climate change, but there are quite a few caveats. In the spirit of greenwashing, many things may be labeled renewable energy that are actually false solutions. Several of the energy sources […] sometimes considered renewable energy but can exacerbate climate change and cause a great deal of harm to the environment and communities including: Biomass, biofuels, incineration, landfill gas-to-energy, hydrogen, “renewable natural gas” or factory farm methane digesters, nuclear and corporate hydropower. Solar and wind can be genuinely renewable sources of energy. However, Earth’s limits, distance, economics and social justice all play roles in determining whether these energy sources are truly renewable or sustainable.” View the Just Transition Guide here:

RNG Storage, Hours of Operation, and Staffing:

RNG will be injected directly into the existing FortisBC grid, eliminating the need for onsite storage. The facility will operate within designated hours, with controls and monitoring 24/7, based on the experience of similar facilities in Europe, ensures safety with confidence. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal. 

Emergency Protocols:

In the unfortunate event of a fire or explosion, Andion is committed to following rigorous emergency protocols to minimize any potential impact on the community. These protocols are in line with industry standards and will be implemented to prioritize the safety of residents and the environment.
OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal. 

Public Consultation Process:

We acknowledge your concern about the lack of early public consultation. The project began in 2018 with extensive discussions with Semiahmoo First Nation, obtaining their approval before moving forward. Public discourse was initiated through the official channels of oversight bodies, including Indigenous Services Canada and Metro Vancouver, ensuring that the community has the opportunity to voice their opinions and concerns. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal. 

Partnership with Semiahmoo First Nation:

This project is not aligned with "Big Industry." Andion is a privately held company, and Semiahmoo First Nation has partnered with us to co-own the facility. This collaboration aims to create local jobs, support local vendors, and generate products that will benefit the community. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal. 

Community Benefits:

The Semiahmoo RNG facility offers numerous benefits to the greater community:
• Diverting 70,000 tons of organic food waste annually from landfills.
• Eliminating approximately 30,000 tons of greenhouse gas emissions each year.
• Generating 3.5M GJ of Renewable Natural Gas, providing clean energy for over 37,000 homes.
• Helping avoid the use of 22,000 tons of chemical fertilizers annually.

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal and see no community benefits in this list when compared to the negative impacts.

Safety Measures and Oversight:

To address concerns about air quality, health, and potential environmental impact, Semiahmoo First Nation and Andion are working closely with Metro Vancouver, Fraser Health, ECCC, ISC, and Health Canada. This collaborative approach ensures a high degree of oversight to mitigate any risks to the public. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal. 

Environmental Consultations:

Andion has consulted with prominent environmental agencies, including Natural Resources Canada, Environment and Climate Change Canada, Indigenous Services Canada, Health Canada, Metro Vancouver, and Fraser Health. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the proposal and Andion has withdrawn from this market while Andion North America has changed their name to Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp. and are yet again “restructuring” – what confidence can we possibly have in this organisation or their officers?

Traffic and Air Quality Impact:

The anticipated low volume of truck traffic relative to the overall vehicles, coupled with negligible air pollutants, is not expected to have a significant impact on traffic flow or air pollution in the community. 

OUR COMMENT: Yet more verbose and hollow platitudes – we and the general public have no confidence in the Semiahmoo RNG proposal.

Next Steps for the Semiahmoo RNG Project by Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp. or Andion, or any other future restructured corporation under the control of Phillip Abrary:

We suggest that very careful due diligence takes place before entering into any agreement related to Austep, Andion, or their former officers – read into the former controversies linked to the Semiahmoo RNG project, Andion, Taurus RNG Corp. here.

Outstanding Questions relating to the Semiahmoo RNG Project proposal by Andion and Taurus Canada Renewable Natural Gas Corp.

Treva A###### 06:06 PM
What is your plan in the event of a fire or explosion?
Jenny S###### 06:07 PM
Why was this discussion held in secret for so many years without public consultation of the residents that will clearly going to be affected?
Steve G###### 06:58 PM
In fact, at least five years.
Andion Global 07:04 PM
The project began in 2018 with extensive discussions with Semiahmoo First Nation. Following approval by the Nation, then extensive and rigorous regulatory and environmental and health assessments were engaged through their various lines of protocol. At those early stages, before we had any conclusive work done, it was too early to engage the public. We opened up public discourse through the official and legislated public engagement protocols of the oversight bodies including Indigenous Services Canada and Metro Vancouver.

Jacqui J###### 07:37 PM
Tetra Tech is the 3rd party company that Andion hired to provide air quality tests. They have been sued and found guilty for fraud ending in prison time. I would feel better if another company could provide air quality tests as well.
Steve G###### 07:57 PM
To Andion: Well I guess you’re now learning that it’s never too early to engage the public.
Robert P###### 06:07 PM
Why are you doing a deal with "Big Industry" and considering this refinery in the face of so many other better options?
Troy H###### 06:08 PM
I’m wondering on the voting process from the Semiahmoo people? How did you communicate it? How many members do you have, and how many voted? Thank you
charles fast 06:54 PM
Less than 100 natives in total. About 50 living on the Reserve. And the Chief lives in Chilliwack.
David P###### 06:09 PM
I may have to leave for supper as I have guests over, so I apologize in advance. My question is, how will SFN and Andion address the fact that the plant site is within the Georgia Basin - Puget Sound Airshed, which is a massive airshed, and the fact that it would put at risk the health of everyone in the airshed? What sorts of mitigation measures will be used to tackle that problem? And have other development options other than a biofuel facility been considered?
Mark H###### 06:09 PM
How can you promise us the people of this community that your plant will not negatively impact our health and environment? Please provide evidence for each toxin listed in the Tetra Tech report that the levels at which these toxins will be generated are completely safe to all life within the ecosystem.
David P###### 06:09 PM
Good point, as many air pollutants have no safe exposure level.
Amy W###### 06:42 PM
The workers compensation act of BC states the following,
"25 General duties of owners
Every owner of a workplace must
(a) provide and maintain the owner's land and premises that are being used as a workplace in a manner that ensures the health and safety of persons at or near the workplace"
key here is "persons at or near the workplace". how on earth can Andion Ensure the health and safety of anyone near the facility. They cannot.
Rashpal L###### 06:09 PM
Are you able to lay out the benefits you believe will come to the greater community? Are those benefits you cite, greater than the risk to the health of the greater community?
Robert P###### 06:09 PM
Why have the significant Odour problems at the Italian facility which cover an area of 6.5km been ignored?
Maria F###### 06:12 PM
Where is the proof these chemicals are not harmful to humans and animals?
How safe will the ocean be in the area as we all swim in these waters all year round?
How is it that the smell and the chemicals will only be an issue in the winter as per your comments online. Our climate here allows us to go outside year round?
Will the government be able to test the water and air pollution around the facility at any time they see fit or are we not able to follow the same rules as this is being proposed to be built on SFN land?
Holly N###### 06:09 PM
You mention not shipping our compost to other territories but Surrey already has a plant and it so South Surrey and Whiterock won't be sending their waste there. Isn't this Vancouver waste being brought into our area?
Amy W###### 06:10 PM
The Semiahmoo Bay is located within a tsunami notification zone.
Aside from the idea of building a biofuel plant in an ecologically sensitive area near a growing city with schools and year round outdoor activities, is it safe to build it within a tsunami notification zone?
Ron K###### 06:10 PM
SFN indicated that First Nation Health and Fraser Health have already authorized the biofuel facility. On what basis was this authorizion undertaken and what information did it include.
David P###### 07:49 PM
I'd like to see the science to back up their claims.
Rick P###### 06:11 PM
You stated in an interview ““When we look at being self-sufficient, when we look at how do we ultimately, at the end of the day, be the skippers of our own canoes here and not reliant on federal grants and federal funding, we have to be creative.” Does this mean you will not be accepting ANY funding from the Federal Government for this project?
G P###### 06:17 PM
SFN has Already received 14million
Holly N###### 06:29 PM
that pretty much contradicts the above comment, doesn't it
Charles F###### 06:57 PM
Dream on. It's ALL about the money. I think that this Chief of 50 people and living OFF the Reserve earns almost as much as our PM (tax free). What a joke.
Rashpal L###### 06:11 PM
The zoom is a great start, but is not inclusive. When will an in-person meeting be scheduled?
Angela N###### 06:35 PM
This is a community where most homes have multiple devices that can access the internet. How is a zoom meeting NOT inclusive - it seems more inclusive than in person meetings.
Kirsten R###### 06:11 PM
Why did you choose a location so close to a neighbood full of families, schools, retirement homes, etc. I don’t think anyoen on here is against the idea of the biofuel is the LOCATION we are concerned about. can you comment on why you think this is the best location for this facility?
Holly N###### 06:16 PM
and so close to border guards who have to work outside all day and night and to our neighbors below the border which were shocked to find out about this and was not consulted either
Robert P###### 06:29 PM
SOLUTIONS AND RESILIENCY IN THE CLIMATE CRISIS" on Page 37 is highly critical of exactly this type of project on Indigenous land - "In the spirit of greenwashing, many things may be
labeled renewable energy that are actually false solutions. Several of the
energy sources […] sometimes considered renewable energy but can exacerbate climate change and cause a great deal of harm to the environment and
communities including: Biomass, biofuels, incineration, landfill gas-to-energy,
hydrogen, “renewable natural gas” or factory farm methane digesters, nuclear
and corporate hydropower. Solar and wind can be genuinely renewable sources of energy. " Can Chief Harley Chappell please explain why this advice is being ignored in this case?
Andion Global 07:20 PM
We spent a lot of time and due diligence finding an appropriate location. The location next to the highway is one factor which allows trucks to go directly to the plant and not through neighbourhoods. Secondly, the emissions from the plant are significantly less than the existing background emissions that exist from the highway and border traffic.
Many people are concerned because of past experiences with hydogen sulfide from the composting site. This is a good example of the difference between external and internal processing. All of our processing and handling of materials is indoors and under negative pressure environments.

Kirsten R###### 07:46 PM
But there are many other locations near a highway. That is not an acceptable answer. Why add to the current level of emissions?
Hasina L###### 06:12 PM
Will a copy of the recording be available to attendees?
David P###### 06:19 PM
And the general public too maybe?
Jim G###### 06:12 PM
We all agree this type of project is important... it's the location that is not suitable.. have you explored the possibility of a land swamp with the City of Surrey into an industrial zoned area. This type of land swamp was done with the Beecher Bay Nations successfully on Vancouver Island.
Sheila V###### 06:12 PM
Can you send your slide deck to the community or make it available somewhere
Mark H###### 06:12 PM
In consideration of the potential negative impact on quality of life, sensitive ecosystems. What scientific reports, research, environmental leaders were referenced and contacted for consultation?
Robert P###### 06:13 PM
Where are the independent reports into any of these so-called facts being used to justify building this plant?
Lloyd S###### 06:13 PM
Has Andion Actually built a Bio Fuel plant before? I find it very difficult to find any information on anything other than Italy Spa and an extension on Sweden but no other info is available for New haven or Toronto. Please provide this info.
Treva A###### 06:14 PM
Tetra Tech has done modelling showing my house will exceed 1 odour Unit 50-60% of the time, and over 3 Odour Units 1-48 times per year . How much is an odour unit? At what level is a smell detectable?
David P###### 07:49 PM
The Ministry of Environment says 2 ppb averaged over one hour.
David P###### 07:49 PM
(sorry, I meant 5 ppb per hour)
Ngai T###### 08:28 PM
Hi Treva, thank you for your question. Note that the dispersion model is not a constant state. Your house will not be exceeding 1 OU for 50-60% of the time. 1 OU is defined as the concentration at which half the population can smell something.
Chris P###### 06:14 PM
Honestly, do concerned residents have a say in this project at this point, as it feels this project is a forgone conclusion even though citizens, who are stakeholders in the community, have many unanswered concerns related to air and health assessments that were conducted through a paid vs. independent study, amongst other issues.
The citizens don’t feel as though we have a voice. The language of the Chief and Andion representatives are using words that speak AT vs. TO us.
G P###### 06:21 PM
Agreed. Foisted into the air we breathe and into the habitat of wildlife. I am angry. This isn’t the right place. How dare the fed government give 14 million to encourage this heinous project.
Mark H###### 06:16 PM
We understand the Tetra Tech report is based on 3 years of off site monitoring. Given our unique ecosystem , will Andion conduct a one year on-site air quality dispersion model to assess the trust impact of the biofuel emissions on our health and environment? 

Hasina L###### 06:16 PM
There is a sensitive eco system around the proposed area including the Campbell RIver. What environmental agencies were consulted regarding water and soil contamination that may impact the Campbell River and surrounding waterways?
Karen C###### 06:23 PM
In addition, how will the effluent be disposed of? How will the salmon habitat of the little Campbell be affected which is incredibly close? What effect on the nesting eagles?
Safena W###### 06:16 PM
Is this a worksafe issue for the border agents because they can’t close their windows?
Amy W###### 06:17 PM
What impact is the increased truck traffic going to have on the current transportation network . Has the increase in exhaust fumes been taken into consideration related to air pollution ?
Sheila V###### 06:17 PM
Could you tell us how many people are on this call?
Robert P###### 06:17 PM
Why is the emission report prepared for this plant so much more abridged, and missing the odour impact maps that the original italian plants report contain? And which obliged the regulations in place in Italy that mean it is currently being investigated?
Michael L###### 06:18 PM
How will this effect the air quality in White Rock? I moved here for the clean air specifically for the health of my medically fragile young daughter. I am incredibly worried.
Kathie L###### 06:18 PM
Why this location? Why not somewhere else with less potential impact to a sensitive environment? 06:24 PM
Yes, and why has this location been selected as opposed to a place that is more rural?
Jean V###### 06:18 PM
Have you ever built a plant such as this in such an environmentally sensitive area next to a protected watershed, ocean, or under a migratory path that millions of birds fly over? If your answer is no how can you claim with 100% certainty the emissions from this plant will not harm wildlife?
Zoom user 06:18 PM
There was construction at the foot of 160th in Surrey (where the footbridge is) - does the SFN intend to build a car bridge over that area and could trucks come into the residential area - ie the other end of Beach Rd
Scott K###### 06:18 PM
You mention 99% of methane will be reused, but the emissions report says that the emissions processing will only clean out 75% of emissions. Can you speak to this difference please?
Lloyd S###### 06:19 PM
I have spoken with a company who trucks in the waste to current plants and they advised that the trucks filled with waste will stink and due to delays and wait times they will be sitting with the waste while they wait their turn to drop off. please explain this.
Wang O###### 06:20 PM
X2 - What’s the odor/noise impact of the trucks entering/departing facility with respect to decibel levels and environmental impact?
Suzanne S###### 06:19 PM
How will you process plastics in the plant given the fact that plastics produce emissions which have been linked to cancer in 1:4 people living in the area surrounding up to 5 miles.
Ngai T###### 06:50 PM
Thank you for your question Suzanne. This facility does not consume plastic. Packaging materials will be separated from the material entering the process.
Suzanne S###### 07:12 PM
Some of your early documentation cites that up to 30% non-green waste will be processed including plastics.
Jen K###### 06:19 PM
How many of these plants have you built in a residential community? And where?
Jiao W###### 06:19 PM
The chemical air pollution will impair residents' nerve cells. Did you consider it?
Rashpal L###### 06:19 PM
Can you GUARANTEE that if these emissions exceed anything more than your models suggest OR if the odours are perceived by nearby residents as problematic to their health, that your facility will shut down? We want some guarantees that our health will not be impacted.
Jeffrey R###### 06:19 PM
Trucks pass during the DAY to the truck crossing and the vast majority are on Hwy 15. They are NOT travelling during the middle of the night when it is quiet in our neighbourhood. Where is this waste being trucked from specifically and has the theoretical emissions reduction being touted accounted for the emissions from these trucks?
David P###### 06:20 PM
2.79 tonnes of NOx every year is not good. NOx has no safe exposure level.
Satbeer L###### 06:20 PM
As this session is recorded, we demand that it should be available publicly!
David P###### 06:21 PM
Absolutely - it's a necessity under the sacred principle of public participation.
Andion Global 06:22 PM
Thank you. The recording of this webinar will be available publicly.

Robert P###### 06:20 PM
Why does Andion claim 50+ successful projects, can we please have a list so that we can conduct independent research into these "successes"
Hasina L###### 06:20 PM
Why isn’t this project being built where there isn’t much impact to residential areas?
Tara L###### 06:20 PM
What measures are in place to minimize or mitigate air pollution emissions from the biofuels plant, particularly in terms of greenhouse gases, particulate matter, and other harmful air pollutants?
Rick P###### 06:20 PM
Will the plant have sufficient Emergency Equipment & manpower on site 24/7 to be able to handle an explosion or other disaster independently without requiring additional Emergency Services to respond from Surrey or White Rock?
Noral E###### 08:05 PM
Doesn’t sound like there are any additional provisions for this. I guess this will be another way that our White Rock/ Surrey tax dollars will be used- to support industry that the community does not support!
Wang O###### 06:21 PM
Where’s the sound impact report? What time do these trucks move?
J M 06:21 PM
There are legitimate concerns from community members with respiratory health issues, and the impact of this facility on those community members.
How does your facility address the increased particulate matter and decreased air quality , and its impact on the community members with these respiratory conditions?
Lloyd S###### 06:21 PM
How does it magically stop on 8th ave?
Wang O###### 06:22 PM
There are often high winds (like today). How does the green emission not shown to expand much further north?
Wang O###### 06:21 PM
What’s the traffic impact? There are long border lines often which use highway 99. What’s the impact on them?
David P###### 06:22 PM
Could you please explain your evidence for those air-quality guidelines? Because every expert I've spoken to says there is no safe level...
Satbeer L###### 06:22 PM
Why is the selected location for biofuel so close to residential property, sea, river, school, hospital. There will be emissions and pollution. How are you prepared for worst case scenarios?
Jean V###### 06:22 PM
Have you ever built a plant to these exact specifications and if yes, where is it located? If no, how can you with 100% certainty claim that the air model is correct when it is not based on a working plant?
Holly N###### 06:23 PM
Would Chief Harley move back to SFN and live beside the bio-fuel plant?
Rick P###### 06:23 PM
THIS!!! Or any of the other folks that are involved with/financially benefiting from the bio-fuel plant?
Charles F###### 07:04 PM
Or build it in Chilliwack next to his home?
Lori C###### 06:23 PM
Great idea but absolutely the wrong location. Why Semiahmoo First Nations land when it is by residential, schools, a family beach. Would you and your family want to live next door? Get creative and find a site that is appropriate.
Kirsten R###### 06:24 PM
How can you keep the doors closed when there are 25 trucks unloading PER DAY? How long does it take for a truck to unload??
Wang O###### 06:24 PM
What’s your track record for JIT (just in time) waste arrival, processing, and departure expressed in %? Are we talking 99.99% or 99.9999% or much lower?
Joe K###### 06:24 PM
So there will be NO outdoor storage of waste products, awaiting processing?
Ngai T###### 06:29 PM
Thank you for your question Joe, there will be no storage of any waste outside the facility. All waste is brought inside the facility
Wang O###### 06:25 PM
Odour emissions should go to your living room.
Kirsten R###### 06:25 PM
Are the trucks themselves going to be fueled by biofuel? Because biofuel trucks are VERY loud…
Kent k c’s iPhone 06:26 PM
What is the stage up to now? Has the city approved for permit? Licensing from the province?
David P###### 07:47 PM
All diesel/biodiesel trucks are loud - many are straight-piped too, ugh.
Satbeer L###### 06:25 PM
How in this world, keeping the doors closed will help the odor problem! We need clean natural air, not artificially clean harmful air!
Holly N###### 06:26 PM
Yeah because even if doors and windows are closed, you can still smell odours from outside. When we have forest fires, you can smell the smoke inside as well.
Cynthia A###### 06:26 PM
How many biofuel plants have you built in Canada?
Martina R###### 06:26 PM
HI Ashley, this is Martina from MP Findlay's office
Les P###### 06:26 PM
What is max Km of waste that will be stored at any time?
C H 06:26 PM   

Why have you chosen a resident area when you know it will affect so many residents. this is not the right area, plain and simple
Jiao W###### 06:26 PM
Is it a good location to build a biofuel facility?
David P###### 07:47 PM
Bob K###### 06:26 PM
At what NOx level can we smell the emissions whether safe or not. No one wants any offensive odours in the air period
David P###### 06:30 PM
There is no safe level of NOx - any amount is harmful.
Amy W###### 06:27 PM
Why did Andion have emissions modeling conducted by a company (terra tech) that has falsified reports in the past? What sort of due diligence process led to a clear over site like that? Has Andion preferred any sort of gap analysis on its due diligence process?
Hasina L###### 06:27 PM
In relation to removing odors from the waste, you plan to use wood chips. Does that mean we will smell the wood chips all day?
Rick P###### 06:27 PM
What safety measures have been designed and will be implemented in the design of this new plant that will prevent a major explosion like the one in the UK that was hit by lightning last month? “Severn Trent Plc's Green Power Plant in Cassington was struck by lightning, causing a tank containing biogas to explode”
Holly N###### 06:27 PM
Will we be provided with a copy of the Question and Answers?
Wang O###### 06:28 PM
Who is your legal representative, so we can know who to deliver our lawsuit to?
Lloyd S###### 06:28 PM
How will it be affected by global warming?
Hasina L###### 06:29 PM
Which other locations of the 20 years, has Andion built a similar facility, as the primary company? If so, please provide locations of those facilities.
David P###### 06:29 PM
How can we be sure of emissions compliance when there are no government/regulatory air-monitoring stations within at least 10 km of the site?
Joe K###### 06:29 PM
I seem to remember all the discussions and lies /promises of odour scrubbing measures when the sewage treatment plane went in on Annis Ilse... there are times you can't hold your breath long enough to cross the bridge from the stench! Same applies to the compost odours near Tsawwassen ! My fear is the same lies are being told here!
Lloyd S###### 06:29 PM
How about when the train goes by? My residence is made of cement and it shakes.
Wang O###### 06:29 PM
This webseminar is being reported. You are stating “these are conservative values”, and using finite words such as “no emissions”, “no run off”. You understand that you and your team will be held to that in all future interactions?
Wojciech J###### 06:29 PM
Main question is why this plant is located in a residential area? Similar plant in Surrey was located in industrial area near disposal transfer station.
Jean V###### 06:29 PM
The Canadian guidelines for constructing a facility such as this recommends that they be built on a landfill site. Why would this project even be considered to be built in the middle of a residential area?
Holly N###### 06:35 PM
Especially because the Vancouver landfill has more than enough land available to put this plant there
Robert P###### 06:29 PM
SOLUTIONS AND RESILIENCY IN THE CLIMATE CRISIS" on Page 37 is highly critical of exactly this type of project on Indigenous land - "In the spirit of greenwashing, many things may be
labeled renewable energy that are actually false solutions. Several of the
energy sources […] sometimes considered renewable energy but can exacerbate climate change and cause a great deal of harm to the environment and
communities including: Biomass, biofuels, incineration, landfill gas-to-energy,
hydrogen, “renewable natural gas” or factory farm methane digesters, nuclear
and corporate hydropower. Solar and wind can be genuinely renewable sources of energy. " Can Chief Harley Chappell please explain why this advice is being ignored in this case?
Sheila V###### 06:29 PM
what about methane
Lloyd S###### 06:30 PM
What is the plan if we have an earthquake-I currently have earthquake insurance and its projected we are going to get the big one soon.
Petra C###### 06:30 PM
It has been noted that odours will mainly be emitted in the winter months when most have their windows closed. Have any of you been here in the winter? We are a 12 month community, windows are open 12 months of the year.
Mark H###### 06:30 PM
How can a site that is in a lowland/wetland area, part of a watershed and prone to flooding even be considered for a biogas facility? What steps are being taken to protect the Little Campbell River?
Ramona K###### 06:30 PM
I represent a large seniors group, many with health issues. This is a good project but not here. We respect SFN but cannot support this build. Is ozone going to be used to kill smells? Very expensive!
Hasina L###### 06:30 PM
Andion only plans to take care of this facility for 20 years. Who and how will the facility be taken care of? What is the long term plan in terms of taking over from Andion?
Charles F###### 07:08 PM
Very frightening thought.
G P###### 06:30 PM
I had heard that trucks would be unloaded with the bay doors open. This couldn’t be the case could it?
Sandra T###### 06:30 PM
Andion could purchase ANY piece of industrial land. The residents of South Surrey and White Rock clearly do not want this facility. By locating on First Nations land, you are circumventing due process that any other location would be required to go through. Why persist with a project that has so many dangers to people, wildlife, ecosystems on pristine undeveloped and protected waterfront areas? Thousands of people are telling you to locate elsewhere, will you listen?
Charles F###### 07:10 PM
Because the Feds and Indian Affairs are falling over themselves to support (with our money) ANY project proposed by any native band.
Wang O###### 06:31 PM
Hey Kathy - Since you’re the sole person responsible for this, as you claim:
Brad S###### 06:32 PM
What direct or indirect compensation has or will the Semiahmoo First Nation, or its members, receive and when, as part of this project?
In the event of a 1 in 100 year flood event, what effect will the facility have on the surrounding environment?
What recourse or compensation mechanisms does Andion North America Ltd. and / or the Semiahmoo First Nation have in place for individuals or businesses that may experience adverse effects, including economic losses, pain and suffering, or reduced property values, due to the odour impacts associated with the proposed project?
Can Andion North America Ltd. provide details on the methods and technologies it intends to employ to ensure the facility operates within acceptable odour limits, and how will the company monitor and adjust these measures over time based on the actual performance of the facility? How will Adnion North America Ltd. be held accountable to the models presented?
Holly N###### 06:33 PM
Good question, when we had an incident on indigenous land back where I group up, we were told you can't sue people on indigenous land, don't know if this is correct or not, so what is our recourse?
Robert G###### 06:32 PM
Can we have a copy of these questions and the answers provided please.
Brad S###### 06:32 PM
Why was this location, close to parks, schools, beaches, and other public spaces, selected for this facility, when the city's own biofuel facility was built in an industrial zoned area, away from residential neighbourhoods?

At what rate do you anticipate the facility to grow its production / processing? At what rate does the facility need to grow to remain economically viable for Andion North America Ltd. and the Semiahmoo First Nation?
Cynthia A###### 06:32 PM
If this is as safe as you say. Then why not build it on downtown Vancouver at Stanley Park as most of the garbage is coming from Vancouver.
Wang O###### 06:33 PM
Build it in Stanley Park!!!!
Charles F###### 07:12 PM
Yes. Stanley Park would be a perfect and safe place.
Stephanie T###### 06:33 PM
What qualifications , research does Metro Vancouver have in determining the long term health effects to determine air quality
Kirsten R###### 06:35 PM
Yes!! And how can they be sure that the ‘threshold’ is less than long term exposure effects. People will be living near this facility for 50+ years. Even if the air quality is minimally impacted.. that adds up over time. Please comment.
Dalinda M###### 06:33 PM
Is this the best location for this project? How does this project fit into a residential area?
Jean V###### 06:33 PM
There is information on the internet stating that cities with biogas plants are reporting that their emergency rooms started to fill up with people suffering from respiratory illnesses after the biogas plants went into operation. How do you explain this if the emissions from these plants are supposedly not harmful?
Hasina L###### 06:34 PM
How often are these facilities inspected to ensure they are following guidelines?
Amy W###### 06:34 PM
I'm wondering how the Semiahmoo band came to this decision? Given the housing crisis in British Columbia does it not make more sense, economically, socially and environmentally for the band to move forward with residential development? Not only would it be safer for the surrounding residents and environment, the social equity that could be gained by addressing the housing crisis could only be considered as a historic and heroic decision?
Charles F###### 07:13 PM
This is simply free money (our money) with no effort from SFN. That's why.
Gerry S###### 06:34 PM
I haven't heard anything so far tonight or the couple of weeks about the plan to deal with an adverse weather event, ie flooding, tidal surge. Or the plan to mitigate a disaster on the BNSF line. How does a facility like this handle these situations?
Cynthia A###### 06:34 PM
So if they exceed the limits of the permit, do you shut them down right away or just issue a small fine.
Jacqui J###### 07:48 PM
Where will it get its water and where will its water go? 

Gary G###### 06:34 PM
Why can't the facility use the railway to transport the waste from Vancouver instead of 25 trucks per day? There is a spur line at the end of Beach road that is approximately 500 metres from the proposed facility. This spur line could hold up to 5 railway cars of waste material. Has Metro Vancouver considered this alternative method of transporting the waste?
Rick P###### 06:37 PM
You don’t want that, the noise of shunting train cars is way worse than the noise from trucks. This plant is simply not acceptable in this area!
Gary G###### 06:41 PM
What about a study to find out how much waste material a railway car would carry. How many trucks would be replaced by one railcar? The railway noise would be much further away from the residential areas that are closer to Hwy. 99
Ian U###### 06:35 PM
This plant will no doubt negatively impact the value of nearby residences and possibly negatively impact businesses. How will Andion compensate property owners and businesses caused by this plant that we have had ZERO say in.
Sheila V###### 06:35 PM
this slide dec from Ms Preston also please
Carole R###### 06:35 PM
Please comment on the Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) emissions from the facility. This is a toxic gas and it is the “rotten egg" smell. I understand the emissions will meet or exceed values within the localized area of the facility. What are the plans to mitigate this scenario when the project exceeds model prediction? What about mitigation now, prior to permitting.
David P###### 08:02 PM
They would need H₂S monitoring.
Lloyd S###### 06:35 PM
What happens when there is another air test done by a 3rd party company and it comes back with different results then you were supplied?
David P###### 07:46 PM
Always assume the worst when it comes to air pollution.
Hasina L###### 06:36 PM
How often are the studies required or reviewed? What are the processes if facilities are not following required steps?
Stephanie T###### 06:36 PM
Who qualifies the air permit and what qualifications do they have? Are they industrial hygienist?
Joe K###### 06:37 PM
And all this to employ just 15 people? I'd rather you put in a casino or some other tourist trap!
Jeffrey R###### 06:37 PM
What power does Metro Vancouver board have over this plant when operational? Will the board be monitoring the emissions from the plant daily and take responsibility for this plant? Will there be Metro Board oversight with ability to immediately shut down the facility for exceedances for discharges? This community could be decimated if anything goes wrong or doesn't operate as planned.
Jean V###### 06:37 PM
Is the government intending on completing their own independent environmental study or are they basing their decision on the one done by Tetra Tech?
Joan P###### 06:37 PM
Any health or safety issues arise, any municipality or provincial regulation cannot be applied as this project is on federal land. What recourse will we have?
A R###### 09:05 PM
I would also like to know this. I was raised in an industry town that polluted for many years with no recourse.
Martina R###### 06:37 PM
HI i am joining on her behalf, as she is still travelling from Ottawa back home. we have 3-5 questions to ask that the constituents brought to us, i realize we have 10 min so i'll be quick!
Roxann K###### 06:37 PM
Tell me about the air quality monitors. Who will monitor the monitors? I’m just over the border and very aware we all share the same air and water. Whatcom County government doesn’t really have much air quality monitoring and no actual enforcement of regulations.
Hasina L###### 06:38 PM
To clarify, the information provided at the beginning of the presentation stating the nation has already decided to move ahead, is not quite accurate? Kathy mentions there is still a process to review responses before making a decision to this project. Is that correct???
Kirsten R###### 06:38 PM
The decision maker should take input from the people that LIVE within 10km of the proposed facility
Wayne S###### 06:38 PM
How and why was the proposed location of the facility chosen? It is an environmentally sensitive area, particularly its proximity to waterways. In addition, it is adjacent to a major tourist area (White Rock beach) and an increasingly densely populated residential area (White Rock and South Surrey). I don’t object to the objectives of the project but, as a resident of White Rock, I am extremely concerned about the location.
Robert G###### 06:38 PM
Are questions and comments written here considered by Metro?
Andion Global 08:40 PM
For them to be considered, they need to be submitted in writing to Metro Vancouver. Which we will do.

Hasina L###### 06:38 PM
You mentioned you would consider comments in writing. Where do you want us to submit those concerns?
This question has been answered live
Kathy Preston 07:16 PM
Safena W###### 06:39 PM
Andion has had years to prepare relevant information. The public deserves the same amount of time to gather our information.
Wayne S###### 06:39 PM
This proposed project is also extremely close to the US border and the town of Blaine. What consultation has occurred or is planned with the US, including the State of Washington and the town of Blaine?
Hasina L###### 06:40 PM
Who would consider the concerns that Kathy Preston cannot decide…eg, location, noise etc?
Robert P###### 06:40 PM
A question for Kathy Preston - What I think I hear you saying is that your hands are tied in this instance of using SFN land and that as the actual process is potentially flawed, and doesn't oblige an independent and thorough due diligence report on the actual competence of the applicant based on previous projects and their level of responsibility in those projects?
Sheila V###### 06:41 PM
So if Metro Vancouver cannot be in conflict of interest, but the waste that is being transported is their, is the outcome of the permitting not a conflict of interest
Wayne S###### 06:42 PM
Why is the proposed project not planned for an industrial area rather than a tourist and densely populated residential area?
Lloyd S###### 06:43 PM
Who will be taking the 14 jobs this will bring? I am assuming nobody apart of the SFN is qualified for this.
Wayne S###### 06:44 PM
Is this proposed project subject to a comprehensive federal environmental impact review process? If not, why not? If it is, what is the status of said review?
Lorne E###### 06:44 PM
What is the entire cost of the project? Including infrastructure, permits, consulting, operational training, etc
Holly N###### 06:44 PM
Who did the Environmental Impact assessment? These are just words, where is the proof?
Sheila V###### 06:44 PM
could those designated to answer questions please identify themselves and their role
Valerie W###### 06:44 PM
How much $ income/returns from $ invested, including building $/all $ invested by SFN and government?
Could there be a land swap so facility on industrial land (benefits still to SFN) and keep this environmental rich land?
When 25 years is up and the facility reverts to SFN, will we still be using/ wanting to use natural gas or will SFN be left with a facility that needs to be deconstructed and the costs of the deconstruction?
Brad S###### 06:45 PM
Please make public, the environmental impact assessment.
Karen L###### 06:45 PM
The Canadian Border Service Office is located within the NOx emission zone on your map. How are you going to keep the Peach Arch Border Service Officers safe from health related illness?
David P###### 07:45 PM
You basically can't, unless they were to seal the booths and put activated-charcoal filters on their HVAC systems.
Robert P###### 06:45 PM
A question to Phillip Abrary - does this impact report include the "what if "scenario of problems caused by equipment failures, Tsunami, Seismic damage?
Lorne E###### 06:45 PM
Who pays for the project costs and in what percentages?
Wayne S###### 06:46 PM
Is there a possibility (including under worst case scenarios) of odour from the plant extending to nearby residents, including those of White Rock and South Surrey?
Stephanie B###### 06:46 PM
Where can we find this detailed environmental impact report? We have only seen the Tetra Tech air quality modeling report.
Amy W###### 06:47 PM
But Andion said that the smell will be there in winter but the residents will have their windows closed anyways?
Lorne E###### 06:47 PM
Who covers the risk of construction? Ie: Who pays for any cost overruns?
Lloyd S###### 06:47 PM
Andion previous company went bankrupt-Please explain
Lloyd S###### 06:48 PM
Daniele Chiodini was apart of this previous company that went bankrupt
Ian U###### 06:47 PM
So if Andion can sit here and say there will be no impact to residents can you give your word that if there is noxious smells/fumes and health hazards you will shutdown immediately? anything less is unacceptable and just empty words!
Robert P###### 06:47 PM
Is the Skogn II plant one of these 50 plants? Why is the failure of the work done there been blamed for a profit warning for the company running this refinery?
Robert G###### 06:50 PM
Skogn is well away from residential areas
Robert P###### 06:56 PM
Press Release, Stockholm 22 January 2023 - The negative outcome is mainly explained by lost revenue and increased costs attributable to the commissioning of the Skogn II plant in Norway ~ The problems with the tech supplier's commissioning of the liquefaction unit in Skogn II led to lost production of Bio-LNG (liquid biogas) during q4.
“The construction work in Skogn II went according to plan, but towards the end of the year the supplier ran into problems with the technology when we started commissioning. Consequently, only a small part of the feedstock delivered into the digestion process could be converted into deliverable Bio-LNG (liquid biogas). - my question is, has this been resolved? 

Maria F###### 06:48 PM
Where are these 50 facilities we can go visit?
Lorne E###### 06:48 PM
Which parties share in the profits and loss on the project?
A R###### 06:49 PM
It appears that Fraser Health, Andion, and Tetra Tech does not take responsibility for the validity of the data provided. Who is taking responsibility? I understand that Tetra Tech has been investigated for falsifying data.
Jeffrey R###### 06:49 PM
Where are these facilities located? More specifically the food waste biogas plants. Please provide a list of these plants. Does Andion actually operate these plants or are they run by others? Are we able to confirm the proximity of residential neighbourhoods to these plants?
Hasina L###### 06:50 PM
Why did Andion not collaborate with the community around this projected plant rather than only communicating with the Semiahmoo Nation and making an economical deal between the two groups?
Lorne E###### 06:50 PM
Who covers the operational and performance risks? Ie: If the facility does not produce the revenue stream they predict, who makes up the shortfall?
Treva A###### 06:50 PM
Where do we go to view the environmental assessment that was completed?
Robert P###### 06:50 PM
What is the official Andion explanation for the bankruptcy of their previous company?
Safena W###### 06:50 PM
The question in Italy was not answered. they did not address the public’s issues at all.
Sandra T###### 06:51 PM
How is this financially viable and profitable with the promised limit of “only” 20 trucks a day? Will the site grow over time? What guarantees are there to remain at the size? Since Surrey’s existing plant is only running at approx. 60% capacity, it would seem 20 trucks could easily be processed there????????
Kirsten R###### 07:04 PM
What happens when more than 20-25 trucks start going there everyday… who will be ensuring that they are staying at 25 or less?
Terry M###### 06:51 PM
the Environmental Protection Notice shows 40 tons per year of emissions therefore when it rains does this not become "acid rain" and then settles on the land, on the Little Campbell River and the fish/
Amy W###### 06:52 PM
This is for Metro Vancouver: What are processes in place should the environment be impacted once the plant is operational, and residents do get the odors and their health be impacted?
Holly N###### 06:53 PM
And the location in Delta stinks
Lorne E###### 06:53 PM
What is the truck route that the vehicles will travel to and from the facility?
Jeffrey R###### 06:56 PM
Who is responsible for cleanup of this site should there be an accident or failure? Is there a large bond held in place to ensure that any required cleanup is completed at the cost of the operators and stakeholders, not the taxpayers?
Lorne E###### 06:56 PM
What percentage of organic food waste generated in the Surrey/white Rock, Langley area is expected to be delivered to this facility?
Jacob S###### 06:57 PM
Are they considering Bald Eagles, there are a lot that call that area home, and we are talking about toxic gas being dispursed.
Jeffrey R###### 06:57 PM
If this waste is coming from City of Vancouver why is this plant not being built in Stanley Park or Queen Elizabeth Park?
Rick P###### 06:58 PM
At the beginning of 2023 a similar biogas plant was proposed for Burnaby but was ultimately rejected. The Public lobbied many concerns and complaints about the facility and the City axed the planned facility. These plants are not welcomed in Residential areas for good reason! The proposed plant on the SFN appears to be a complete circumvention of Public input, due to sovereign land rights of the SFN.
Is Metro Vancouver going to ignore the sovereign land issue and address this plant and the concerns from the Public when considering granting the air quality permit?
Wang O###### 06:58 PM
What concessions have you given to the first nations community to have them approve this? How much $$$ are you giving them?
Jen K###### 06:59 PM
As Kathy has demonstrated a couple of times, sometimes things do not go as planned. What happens when things do not go as planned and all of these ‘projections’ are inaccurate? I’m trying to understand why SFN, Andion, and Metro Vancouver would open themselves up to such a liability. (Which guaranteed it will become.).
Rashpal L###### 06:59 PM
I don't think Philip, that we will be "convinced" as you suggested the FN were.
Wang O###### 07:01 PM
Terry M###### 06:59 PM
We understand that Metro Vancouver regulates the emissions from this plant. Over a recent 8 year period,our community has dealt with Metro Vancouver regarding toxic emissions from an industrial plant with hundreds of complaints and basically Metro Vancouver did nothing about this. How can our community expect anything different in this case?
Hasina L###### 06:59 PM
I disagree with Phillip Abrary. Involving the community at the end, when decisions have been made, does not make sense.
Brad S###### 06:59 PM
Phillip, you mentioned the need to spend a year convincing the Semiahmoo First Nation to consider this project, how did Andion North America Ltd. do this? To what extent has the Semiahmoo First Nation been compensated, directly or indirectly, for this project to date? How will they be compensated moving forward?
Safena W###### 07:00 PM
Border Service Agents!!!!??
Wang O###### 07:02 PM
How do we get their union involved? Does anyone know anyone that works there?
Sandra T###### 07:00 PM
Who from Semiahmoo First Nations attended Andion’s delegation tour in Europe? Were any other local government representatives also invited? Were any financial incentives offered to attendees?
G P###### 07:13 PM
14 million from the federal government already.
Jean V###### 07:00 PM
Have there been any independent studies done with residents living near any of your biogas plants to confirm they are not suffering any ill effects from increased pollution from said plants? And, if there has been a noticeable increase in cancer and mortality rates since the plants went into operation like what has happened in Brescia Italy?
Lorne E###### 07:00 PM
The SFN state that they have undergone a very rigorous due diligence review of Andion in selecting them as their partner. Can you provide more detail on the process? Who else was given the opportunity to submit similar proposals and what was the criteria used in the selection process?
S B###### 07:01 PM
Investigation to find the origin of the odors near the Italian plant?
How about the Biofuel plant itself emanating those odors?
Lorne E###### 07:03 PM
If the intent is to reduce GHG emissions, wouldn’t it make more sense to construct a facility like this near the current waste facilities of Surrey and the City of Vancouver landfill sites?
Wang O###### 07:03 PM
Stop using “complicated” as an “excuse”. You’ve got millions of people to convince.
Lloyd S###### 07:03 PM
What is the total cost of this Plant? just wondering how much of my tax dollars are going to this.
Charles F###### 07:23 PM
I've heard 14 million from the Feds and GVRD, etc
Lloyd S###### 07:27 PM
I heard 50 million will be the total cost
Debbie H###### 07:04 PM
Are the companies that did the environmental reviews the same companies that did them in Italy?
Debbie H###### 07:20 PM
You still did not answer the question…. Why here? Did you consider any other locations?
Debbie H###### 07:41 PM
This is a question for Harley… other than financial, how will it benefit SFN?
Jean V###### 07:04 PM
With respect to the experts Phil is referring to, are these experts basing their information on specs Andion has given them and are they taking into account calculations when the plant exceeds its permit?
Eleanor N###### 07:05 PM
Phillip referenced water dispersion. By what method does this take place, in other words, where does this contaminated water end up?
Robert P###### 07:05 PM
Phillip Abrary just mentioned "Water discharge" - may I ask where this is going?
Rick P###### 07:06 PM
I believe he said into the sewer system.
Robert P###### 07:06 PM
And also in what quantity, and to what quality profile will this need to be treated to. What is the monitoring requirements for this discharge?
David P###### 07:23 PM
Jacob S###### 07:05 PM
After it’s built does the province have any regulation and authority over the plant being its on federal land?
This question has been answered live
Brad S###### 07:05 PM
To the SFN, why was this project and organization selected as a means to drive economic and resource independence? Was the SFN approached by Andion? If so, can you elaborate on the activities in the initial stages of the engagement? How is the SFN ensuring that their investment aligns with the best interest of its residents, surrounding residents, and also maximizes its return on investment (time and economic resources)? What alternatives were evaluated for land use?
Hasina L###### 07:06 PM
What agency has been engaged to research the impacts on
Campbell River and the eco systems? 

Sandra T###### 07:06 PM
This question is for Harley Chappell. Since this plan has been in the works for 5 years, we have been told that there are additional plans in place for development on SFN lands. To be a good neighbour, can you please tell what other development plans are currently planned in conjunction with the Biofuel Waste Processing facility. Let’s have some open and transparent information about what future plans may be currently in progress?
Charles F###### 07:20 PM
Good neighbours? Check out the SFN 'No Trespassing' sign at the bridge from White Rock. Seems like Hypocrisy to me.
Robert P###### 07:07 PM
"I believe he said into the sewer system." - I heard 2 different responses
Ian U###### 07:08 PM
So Andion builds the facility and wipes its hands clean? That's how your answer sounds Daniele!
Charles F###### 07:17 PM
That is exactly the way it goes.
Robert P###### 07:09 PM
Who will own, and who will operate this proposed plant?
Rick P###### 07:10 PM
Given Daniele Chiodini’s response, Andion builds the plant then hands it off to the “Owner”, which would be SFN.
Charles F###### 07:16 PM
SFN with no accountability (as per this Liberal government). Once built, we'd have NO input.
Kirsten R###### 07:09 PM
So clearly Andion doesn’t care once it’s been built they no longer have any interest in the impact of the facility!
Kirsten R###### 07:10 PM
You can’t answer any of Jens questions…Andion has no clue the status or locations of their previous builds. This is very concerning.
Eleanor N###### 07:09 PM
Phillip earlier mentioned that toxins are not released onto the land, however, we all know that what ever is released into the air eventually comes down. We have to assume that those who reside in proximity to the proposed build will be most directly affected. This is primarily a residential and recreational area with many iconic natural areas that are extremely environmentally sensitive. This is my primary concern and it is my position that this facility does not belong in this area for these reasons.
Chris P###### 07:10 PM
Phillip, as the president and CEO of both Andion and Ostara, the known association and close relationship of Andion and Ostara, a company to derives fertilizer from waste water and sewage treatment is concerning. Should we not expect a sewage treatment plant to be in the future of Semiahmoo lands as well once a biofuel facility is built? Can you commit on record, that there are no plans for Ostara’s involvement in a future sewage and water treatment facility in conjunction to this project?
Rick P###### 07:12 PM
Excellent question!
Robert P###### 07:10 PM
Is there a reduction in the regulatory requirements because this project will be built on Indigenous land?
Zoom user 07:11 PM
If there is heavy border traffic will these trucks be re-routed down 160th directly into residential zones? Will the SFN build a car bridge over the Little Campbell at the foot of 160th.
Wang O###### 07:11 PM
Shouldn’t Andion put up a 10+ billion dollar bond to rectify any future issues?
Robert P###### 07:12 PM
Can we obtain copies of these impact reports?
Terry M###### 07:12 PM
Has Andion, SFN, ISC or Natural Resources Canada informed our US neighbors of this project? If so, who did they inform,how were they informed and when were they informed? What response was received? Was the EPA in Washington state notified? 07:13 PM
To clarify, after the plant is built, Andion then is no longer involved in any way with the facility? Who will then be running the facility?
Rick P###### 07:14 PM
I believe it gets handed off to the “Owner”, in this case, the SFN.
Hasina L###### 07:15 PM
There are several instances of Bio Fuel explosions, the latest was in Marengo, Iowa, on Dec 8th, 2022. Several others are recorded. Has anyone considered the possibility of such a disaster?
Rick P###### 07:18 PM
A plant in the UK exploded at the beginning of October of 2023, it was struck by lightning.
Wang O###### 07:15 PM
Why would you put an office building in the middle of Playland?!
Ramona K###### 07:16 PM
Excellent comments from Keith (Cynthia Adams).
Safena W###### 07:17 PM
Janny H 07:17 PM
…Has a full archeological assessment been done on the proposed building site on the Semiahmoo Land? If so, where can we find a copy of the report? I ask this question because ( according to Peace Arch News) 8 years ago Chief Harley Chappell served former Mayor Wayne Baldwin with a cease and desist order at the groundbreaking for the Memorial Park on White Rock’s waterfront. He called the city’s process a “blatant disregard to their community and their neighbours.” He said that he had huge concerns regarding the importance of the land as archeological site.
Wang O###### 07:17 PM
Highway 17 next to the garbage dump and industrial area?
Luis R###### 07:17 PM
What about blaine? If they have issues, how will that be resolved?
S. W###### 07:17 PM
During this whole process of discussion and negotiation with the Semiahmoo People and in the spirit of reconciliation has Metro Vancouver, Surrey and White Rock and Andian considered Giving the First Nations people land at the dump to build and operate the facility, give them all the revenue and Pay them to Not build on their land but keep it as an environmentally sensitive area. Then build housing, infrastructure, clean energy such as solar, wind. Tourism and a Community healing centre. This industry relocation can benefit the First Nations but not destroy their potential future on their land.
Mark H###### 07:18 PM
Phil - you just said that it is at this location because it is close to a highway. Put it on the Vancouver landfill - much closer to the source of the garbage.
Hasina L###### 07:18 PM
You mentioned this location because it’s near a highway. But Phillip is forgetting there is also a community very close to the facility. If you want to be near a highway, there are several locations to choose from that will not impact nature or people.
S B###### 07:18 PM
Because it's already polluted by heavy traffic, it’s okay to add more? What kind of logic is that?
Suzanne S###### 07:19 PM
With the cocktail of emissions expected to be released into the air over the plant will we be seeing acid rain when it rains from October to May of the year?
Wang O###### 07:19 PM
You’re assuming your filtration system is so amazing. What is the efficiency of it? 99.99999%?
Does it being enclosed 100% stop gases?
Brad S###### 07:19 PM
There are many other suitable locations zoned light industrial, away from residential areas, in Langley, Surrey and Delta that are immediately adjacent to major arteries and highways. What other locations were considered?
What other factors were considered in location selection?
Violet S###### 07:19 PM
Vancouver landfill site is along the highway as well - why not locate there
Mark H###### 07:19 PM
SFN’s own by-laws (#3) prohibit noxious uses of the land. How does this law allow for the building of this facility - clauses 16 and 32a refer?
Colleen M###### 07:20 PM
this is a tsunami warning you think this is a good idea?
Robert P###### 07:21 PM
A specific question requiring a specific answer please. How many gas refineries of this precise type producing Biogas for injection into the fossil gas network has Andion Global Inc actually built?
Colleen M###### 07:21 PM
What quantity of water will you use?
Colleen M###### 07:22 PM
The facts of the matter are that you are going to poison us.
Maureen R###### 08:01 PM
that is not a question
Hasina L###### 07:22 PM
So far, there has been a lack of community consultation and transparency. We are hoping that going forward, before this project is approved, the community is provided a fair opportunity to have our concerns heard.
Wang O###### 07:23 PM
Shut it down. Stop giving money to Andion to make shitty factories that increase pollution in neighborhoods.
Colleen M###### 07:23 PM
They are not based on reality!
Ildiko S###### 07:23 PM
I live in the corner of 8th and King George. Can you guarantee that if it affects people's life and health you will shut this facility down?
Colleen M###### 07:24 PM
The Tetra Tech report was based on information provided by Andion not verified third party,
Robert P###### 07:27 PM
Yes, please can this point be answered
Robert P###### 07:24 PM
How can a company that has only existed for 4 years claim the credit for refineries built over 10 years ago?
Maria F###### 07:25 PM
What happens if SFN doesn't operate it correctly? Will Metro Vancouver be able to find them, stop them and close them?
Brad S###### 07:25 PM
Who monitors and ensures the safe and efficient operation of the plant, by the owner?
Andrea P###### 07:25 PM
There are so many non-answers here. Phillip, you keep commenting on sticking to the facts, but some point blank questions are being asked and you are answering "well they are still operating". That does not answer the question about actual vs model
Joe K###### 07:25 PM
I would agree to a location 45 min drive away from a city too!
Stu K###### 07:26 PM
Why drive an additional 20 minutes past the metro Vancouver landfill which is located at highway 99 and highway 17???? 

Steve G###### 07:26 PM
I hear people being told to be respectful and polite during this meeting, and they are Unfortunately though we are only hearing canned and evasive responses to most of the questions. There is nothing new here tonight. I hope you’re hearing that residents are angry that this facility is being planned on our peninsula. We may be respectful and polite but we’re angry that this has quietly been pushed through for the last five years without any consultation with residents on the Semiahmoo Peninsula.
Dana F###### 07:26 PM
That dispersion model odor map reflects a stop right at the 24/7 Border it curves around Douglas Port -how can you expect anyone to believe that is factual?
Rick P###### 07:30 PM
The same air modelling voodoo was done for the hot dip galvanizing plant on 24th & 185th. The air pollution magically swerved around Kensington Elementary school on 184th! These air modelling projections are complete propaganda!
Kirsten R###### 07:27 PM
Could you not just pick a better location so you wouldn't need as much rigorous modelling? You also would not have so much push back from the community…
Kirsten R###### 07:29 PM
Kathy… would you live right beside this facility?
Kirsten R###### 07:32 PM
It's a conflict of interest if this facility does not have a direct impact on you, Kathy. You need to look at the data assuming that YOU are living here. I also have a PhD..there are ways to write reports and interpret data to have people believe things that aren’t necessarily there. I hope you will make the right decision.
Hasina L###### 07:29 PM
The parties in this project, including the government, Andion and Semiahmoo Chief have moved forward on an economic benefit first, which has been mentioned several times by the parties.
We want to see all communities move forward and prosper. However, not at the cost of putting profit before communities.
Colleen M###### 07:29 PM
I am going to just get down to raw basics....this plant will turn my community into a stigmatized property. I have worked all my life to get to a point where I have a good property legacy to leave my family....thanks t o this, it will all go away.
Janny H###### 07:30 PM
Is it true that Andion’s consulting firm “Tetra Tech” has a history of fraudulent practices in multiple jurisdictions?
Doug W###### 07:30 PM
What other locations were considered for this facility? This site is extremely environmentally sensitive, local economies are dependent on environmental tourism, Semiahmoo Bay environment is critical to salmon, oyster, crab and birds along with other wildlife. Any kind of catastrophic failure and emissions would be highly impactful in this location versus a location in an established industrial or farming area.
Robert P###### 07:30 PM
Kathy Preston - is the modelling based on the data profile supplied by Andion? Has anyone, or will anyone check the accuracy of the data supplied? What is to prevent this data being falsified?
Amy W###### 07:32 PM
Another question for Metro Vancouver : how many biofuel plants exist in Vancouver in residential areas with less than a displacement (not distance) of 2 km?
Wang O###### 07:33 PM
Does Andion and/or metro Vancouver and/or The Semiahmoo Nation have lawyers consulting on discussions/ responses in this zoom meeting in real time?
Jean V###### 07:33 PM
This question is for Kathy. Since this proposed plant is near the ocean that is subject to more wind than a plant inland would be subject to. Is the plant that Tetra Tech based their data on located in a similar location as the proposed plant? If it is not, how could the air model be accurate?
Amy W###### 07:34 PM
Would that be a stipulation to the permit approval?
Mark H###### 07:34 PM
So Kathy - you have never actually visited the site?
Rick P###### 07:34 PM
What happens if the SFN decides that they will not allow any future inspections of the plant, as it is on their sovereign land?
David P###### 07:44 PM
I presume that would result in enforcement actions and/or shutdown since it would be a violation of their permit conditions?
Amy W###### 07:36 PM
Adion, what are the plans for protecting the cross border commuters from the emissions since Peace Arch border is less than 0.5 km away?
Ngai T###### 07:59 PM
Thank you Amy. Metro Vancouver's jurisdiction over the air quality will take the cross border commuters and people in the area into consideration when they make their decision.
Sheila V###### 07:36 PM
These may get answered but studies have shown an increased incidence of respiratory illness and emergency room visits for people living within 10 K of these facilities. Peach Arch Hospital is within 3.5 K as are many schools, seniors, children, and with respect to Phil, this is a community and a residential area. Can you explain how when science indicates this, that would not happen here?
Sheila V###### 07:37 PM
Why not use the already operational biofuel plant in Surrey which is under utilized
Joe K###### 07:37 PM
Do you live there Chief? I'd still rather you build a casino!
A R###### 07:37 PM
Is NOx...Nitrogen diOxide? Poisonous, highly reactive gasses? With and the other chemicals? How can you guarantee the health of the residents? Have there been any long-term studies of the health effect for residents? Especially children. How might the chemicals have neurological effects? (Harvard study Oct 19, 2020 , significant link found between air pollution and neurological disorders).
David P###### 07:43 PM
Yes - exactly. And there's no safe level of it.
Sheila V###### 07:37 PM
If there are no emissions or odour to be worried about, why would we ever have to close our windows
Allisha ###### 07:38 PM
Andion keeps saying that it’s not being built in a residential area, but there are people who live on the reserve next to the plant. It is a residential area.
Pinto B###### 07:39 PM
We have had lots of questions asked about why this neighbourhood? Why so close to homes. It was quoted that the homes are 1km away. Can you please address two things, 1) what about the homes on the reserve? 2) What about the home that backs on the golf course that faces the highway? These are not 1 km away.
Brad S###### 07:40 PM
Kathy, you mentioned that it's assumed Metro Vancouver will be the Air Quality Regulator and Harley, you used the language 'as we speak' in reference to Metro Vancouver. Is there a possibility that Metro Vancouver is removed as Air Quality Regulator during of after the permitting process?
Has there been discussion related to the jurisdiction of an Air Quality Regulator?
Robert P###### 07:40 PM
What services would a solar farm need that would be more than this toxic waste processing refinery?
Sheila V###### 07:41 PM
My home is a short distance from the proposed location and the ocean the plant will be between my home and the proposed location. Most days I can smell the ocean from my home. That tells me, report aside, that most days these air emissions will come to my home. I have asthma and atrial fibrillation. Can you promise me I will not be negatively impacted by this plant
Hasina L###### 07:41 PM
Question for Harley Chappell: How much monetary benefit will your nation benefit from this project?
Rick P###### 07:41 PM
Chief, you want to be autonomous, yet you state that you’re limited in services delivered by local Municipalities to the SFN land! Make up your mind!
Sheila V###### 07:42 PM
We are frequently on water restrictions here, will the plant also be on water restrictions when that occurs. Last summer we were on water restrictions for 5 or 6 months. Will the plant shut down?
Robert P###### 07:42 PM
What negative impact would a solar facility have on this site that would exceed the negative impact of this proposal?
Hasina L###### 07:43 PM
How many people live on the reserve?
David P###### 07:50 PM
50 people on-reserve according to Google.
Colleen M###### 07:45 PM
there are developers that partner with First Nations
Brad S###### 07:46 PM
For clarity, this article published by Metro Vancouver explains where Metro Vancouver waste is sent.
As you can see, it is contained to recycling, waste to energy and the landfill in the area. Please provide data to:
(i) Explain the waste issue reference; and
(ii) Support the claims that this facility will address said waste issue.
Wang O###### 07:46 PM
So we need to notify the residents ourselves!
Carol S###### 07:49 PM
What kind of energy will be used to power the plant?
Marilyn D###### 07:51 PM
What other developments have the SFN tried to put on that particular piece of land ?
Hasina L###### 07:53 PM
Will the employees that you plan to hire be indigenous? Who will be responsible for hiring staff with the right technical skills?
Sheila V###### 07:54 PM
what happens to all the written and spoken questions that don't get answered
Andion Global 08:01 PM
Andion will capture all questions submitted and reply in writing via email to all attendees.

Hasina L###### 07:55 PM
The explosion in the USA was a result of the belt breaking down that was transporting the compost. That resulted in a build up of gas, which caused a massive explosion.
Jeffrey R###### 07:56 PM
How many of these 14 employees are anticipated to be members of Semiahmoo First Nation? What is the financial benefit to SFN in siting this plant on SFN land? Who will be the operator of this plant and has this operator been selected? Will SFN be responsible for all costs regarding emergencies? Is this cost paid by SFN through revenues from this plant or are local taxpayers responsible for this cost?
This question has been answered live
Karen L###### 07:56 PM
I served in the Canadian Armed Forces. Has anyone in the Canadian Armed Forces been consulted with the construction of a FUEL facility so close 1 block from our Border?
David P###### 07:59 PM
What about the USAF base down on Whidbey Island too?
And thank you for your service 🫡
Allisha ###### 08:00 PM
Chief Chappell, your points around not being able to get servicing from the municipality to entertain other options on your land, is very impactful. I will just put it out there, that this community, that has come together to voice our objection, I suspect would be highly motivated to help you, if desired, to advocate for your nation’s needs with the municipality to pursue other economic options on your land. 

Andrea P###### 08:04 PM
Absolutely. I have struggled so much knowing that this is on FN land, and as settlers should not be controlling how it is used. Also, as a parent of young children directly in the area, I also have to think of them and our future living here.
David P###### 08:01 PM
What about TRS (total reduced sulfur) monitoring? Most odourous facilities in BC have such monitors nearby - would that be a condition of the permit?
Hasina L###### 08:04 PM
We understand Andion is only upholding this project for 20 years. Who will be liable after 20 years? What will the process look like through Metro Vancouver?
David P###### 08:05 PM
Permittee self-reporting is widely recognized as a loophole in air permitting - how could we trust the facility to report their emissions honestly and accurately, especially if they know there are potential fines for non-compliance?
Wang O###### 08:05 PM
How many permits have Metro Vancouver given roughly to this size of a project on First Nation Lands in the past? If there are any, how many have been followed up on over the years to guarantee they are complying to the permit?
Sheila V###### 08:07 PM
Fraser Health used the Tetra Tech report for their analysis, they didn't do anything independent. In response to the comment that KC made at 8:07 about Fraser Health's involvement
Carol O###### 08:08 PM
May I be allowed to speak
Sandra T###### 08:11 PM
They said you need to use the “raise your hand” feature located on the bottom of your screen, if you roll your cursor over the bottom, that feature should show
Allisha ###### 08:10 PM
This is for Andion, can you speak to the plant you previously attempted to build in the lower mainland but that was not completed.
David P###### 08:10 PM
And the truck diesel emissions... we know that even the newer trucks still pollute a lot (the particulate filters emit 1000 times the normal soot levels during regenerations), so how would that be addressed? The stories of truck pollution from, say, Clark Drive are horrifying...
Carol O###### 08:12 PM
I just raised my hand
David P###### 08:14 PM
Allisha ###### 08:13 PM
How many people attended today’s meeting?
Andion Global 08:15 PM
We had 542 people register and at the time of this question, there are 268 attendees (8:15 pm).

David P###### 08:15 PM
But there are no odour monitoring stations within a good distance of the facility - how could they corroborate the claims without monitoring data?
Hasina L###### 08:16 PM
Will the posted questions be answered after the meeting and will the Q&A’s be shared with the attendees?
Wang O###### 08:17 PM
If it is already difficult to monitor a place that is on Agricultural land then how difficult will it be to monitor one on First Nations land?
David P###### 08:19 PM
And would Andion be required to install H₂S monitoring stations nearby to ensure compliance?
A R###### 08:20 PM
Could you please provide us with a detailed explanation of how the toxic chemicals will be treated in the sewage? Could you please give us documents to help us understand the process?
David P###### 08:23 PM
As well as the outfall information and monitoring thereof...
Dalinda M###### 08:20 PM
Are compost trucks coming from neighbourhoods going to be accessing this plant? If so, they would not be coming in during the night, as well, the number of trucks initially indicated will be tremendously higher. If not, then the waste will be trucked to a central site, and then trucked to this site?
Sheila V###### 08:21 PM
If I understand what I am hearing here tonight, Andion builds to sell not to operate. With the sale of a facility such as this, what obligations to observe permitting commitments and obligations and adhere to regulations. What ongoing liability does Andion have if any after sale and what obligation does SFH have after sale if anything occurs
Safena W###### 08:21 PM
I am sickened too!!!!
David P###### 08:23 PM
Me three.
David P###### 08:22 PM
Shouldn't the mobile sources (trucks) be included in the permit too to the maximum extent practicable?
Allisha ###### 08:23 PM
Who would consider the concerns that Kathy Preston cannot consider?…eg, location, environment, noise etc? Who else has to provide approval for this project to move forward or is Kathy’s decision the only obstacle left?
Eleanor N###### 08:23 PM
Should the Andion build go ahead this effectively renders the site industrial. Logically, this invites expansion.
Safena W###### 08:24 PM
Has there been a study done on the impact of property values around and near the plant?
Allisha ###### 08:24 PM
Andion, it appears that most of your sites have been built and sold. Is that the plan here as well?
Andion Global 08:29 PM
The site will be operated by Andion for a period of 20 years, at which point the Semiahmoo Nation will own the project in its entirety and make the determination as to whether it will continue to operate. If they choose to discontinue its use, Andion will be responsible to remove the facility.

Allisha ###### 08:32 PM
Ok so there is no way they will sell it? They’ve agreed to keep it for 20 years?
Wang O###### 08:25 PM
What are the hours of operations for this facility?
Jeffrey R###### 08:28 PM
24 / 7 / 365
Wang O###### 08:25 PM
What is the efficiency of this building? Sounds like lots of energy being used? Is this another greenwashing attempt?
Brad S###### 08:27 PM
How do you validate if the incoming waste is contaminated? As such, how do you validate it the Sludge is contaminated? Has a discharge permit been acquired from Environment Canada?
David P###### 08:29 PM
I think Metro Vancouver is responsible for the discharge permitting, but I'm not sure. 08:27 PM
I am confused as to how Andion can comment about the timeframe in processing of the waste that is received (the same day/maximum 2 days) when Andion will not be responsible/the operator after they have built the plant...? I guess they are recommending this, but who would ensure this?
Sheila V###### 08:28 PM
What is going to happen to all the unanswered questions
Robert P###### 08:28 PM
Phil - Your answer contradicts the information from the SEC - can you explain that?
Robert P###### 08:28 PM
In relation to the bankruptcy of Austep
Robert P###### 08:31 PM
Specifically: "From the Official Records of the Companies’ Register (the “Official Records”), the Company learned that on June 20, 2017, Austep was put in voluntary liquidation by shareholders’ resolution pursuant to Article 2484 of the Italian Civil Code. Furthermore, the Official Records show that on June 30, 2017, Austep filed a petition in the Bankruptcy Court of Milan (“Milan Court”) for a creditors’ settlement procedure (i.e., a “concordato preventivo”) pursuant to Article 161, paragraph 6 of the Italian Bankruptcy Law, seeking permission to submit a restructuring plan to the court contemplating a partial continuity of its operations, which will then need to be approved by a majority of Austep’s creditors and by the court."
Jacqui J###### 08:28 PM
When can we expect the permit boards decision?
David P###### 08:30 PM
And what, if any, objection/rehearing opportunities would there be?
Brad S###### 08:34 PM
Thank you to Andion, SFN, and Metro Vancouver for the time and consideration in answering questions this evening.
Burke E###### 08:34 PM
Harvest Power was more than just a composting facility, it was a the largest commercial waste scale anaerobic digester, they operated way over their air limits from 2016 to 2018, how can we be assured that Andion will operate within their limits
Catherine W###### 08:35 PM
I would like Kathy to tell us how many odour complaints the Ladner plant or other local plant have had and do they continue to come in. Do they just pay the fines as a cost of doing business?
David P###### 08:39 PM
"Do they just pay the fines as a cost of doing business?"
Usually, yes :(
Burke E###### 08:36 PM
Will the plant expand in the future?
David P###### 08:38 PM
Will Andion and SFN acknowledge the science and admit that there is no safe level of air pollution?
Wojciech J###### 08:41 PM
Daniel Chiodini still not answered the question how it is possible smelling ocean from our house and not smelling plant located between ocean and the house? 08:41 PM
Great questions, Sheila!
Robert P###### 08:42 PM
What is the timescale for SFN to be majority owners of this facility?
Hasina L###### 08:44 PM
In a previous interview Chief Chappell mentioned the trucks would only be running during the night. Yet Andion mentioned the facility would be working 24 hours. So will the trucks be running 24 hours or not?
Carol O###### 08:44 PM
May I be allowed to speak?
Amy W###### 08:45 PM
How many participants are on this meeting right now? Thank you
Allisha ###### 08:46 PM
Why here and not an industrial site. Still don’t have a clear answer on this.
Safena W###### 08:46 PM
Great questions citizens!! I'm very impressed with each caller. Absolutely appalled by the answers to these very thoughtful questions. I'm walking away with more questions and concerns than before this meeting.
David P###### 08:47 PM
Thank you for your answers and the privilege to ask my question.
Lorna H###### 08:50 PM
What type of energy will be used to run this plant, ie Electrical, Solar, Fossil fuel?
Catherine W###### 08:48 PM
Much different from what you’re representing, why does the biogas industry recommend these plants should be on unusable land or brownland?
Patti W###### 08:49 PM
What happens to the plastic waste that is not compostable? I believe there are always some contaminants that need to be sorted out.
Robert P###### 08:49 PM
So a Specific question to answer please: As the air modelling is done on the basis of the samples supplied by Andion themselves to Tetra-Tech, how do we verify the accuracy of that sampling?
David P###### 08:52 PM
We need more monitoring, but I keep running into objections every time I ask the government to install more.
Virginia H###### 08:51 PM
What is the traffic flow plan to bring trucks in and out of the facility? What stage is this plan with BC highways? Will the trucks idle in the 4 hour border lineups throughout the Summer? Or will BC highways build another traffic lane/highway for the trucks only? If that is being done, will the 8th Ave overpass need to be expanded? How will the trucks exit the facility and access hwy 99 northbound?
Jeffrey R###### 08:51 PM
If safe from tsunami threat then why do the warning sirens get tested at SFN every week. Why are these warning sirens in place if there is no threat? Why are there Tsunami evacuation route signs in place? This site is in Province of BC Tsunami warning zone E.
Lorna H###### 08:51 PM
What type of energy will be used to run this plant, ie Electrical, Solar, Fossil fuel?
Carol O###### 08:53 PM
I asked to speak 4 times. May I speak?
Lorna H###### 08:53 PM
How many hectares of trees will be cut down to make way for this plant? Displaced wildlife.
Ramona K###### 08:54 PM
Phil fluffs off questions.
Sheila V###### 08:54 PM
I heard the answer regarding giving Tetra Tech the benefit of the doubt, but still don't understand why give Tetra Tech the benefit of the doubt when our lives are in the offing. Choosing a company with a stellar reputation would have made more sense. Please provide more information about the choice and why we should accept Tetra Tech support which is the "lynch pin" of this whole thing
Jean V###### 08:55 PM
How can they say that all the written questions have been answered during the question period when clearly the majority have not!!! I thought they were going to address ones with the most votes and they were not.
Carol S###### 08:56 PM
Please ask them what type of energy will be used to operate the plant and how will that energy be delivered? thank you
Rashpal L###### 08:59 PM
In the follow up to today, can you articulate what the anticipated gross and net income will be on an annual basis for this plant? If Phillip is correct, and any grants/funds rec'd by SFN/Andion need to repaid, what are the terms for repayment?
Tim K###### 09:01 PM
Can the moderator please move us along...
Sandra T###### 09:02 PM
If we are to understand this information tonight, Andion will take their money, sell the plant, and walk away….so who precisely is going to ensure this facility is environmentally and safety compliant? Who is actually going to be the company who is the responsible and legal operator?
Safena W###### 09:02 PM
Love Robert P######…he is not allowing the bullying. 09:04 PM
I believe that the reason this location was chosen, despite being located in a residential area, is to simply financially benefit the Semiahmoo nation. True?
Renee B###### 09:06 PM
I thought this was about air quality. I also understood that all were to be respectful. I am disappointed that we are ending on this caller. 

The Clean Air Alliance of Canada would like to thank all of the journalists, investigators and collaborators who have contributed to the resources on this page. 

If you have any additional information about the controversy surrounding the Andion Semiahmoo Renewable Natural Gas Biofuel Refinery project in South Surrey / White Rock BC, please contact us directly below.

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